Wavendon Gate School

Mrs I Flynn

Summer is here !

Welcome to the summer term, our last term as Year 3s. You have all grown and matured so much and we look forward to consolidating all your learning from this year into our final pieces of work.

As the sun decides to make its appearance please remember to bring in a named sun hat to stay safe. Don’t forget a light coat though as there is always a risk of rain!

We have an awful lot of unnamed lost property. Please check all uniform, some of the name labels are washing off, please can all items be labelled so we can get lost property back to you as soon as possible. Also, make sure you don’t forget your water bottle! (Make sure it is labelled).

Reading: Keep up the routine of bringing your diary into class every day and keep it open on your desk. Then if you are asked to read, in any lesson, we can reward you with a stamp!

Speaking of reading! 

Total number of reads this week:

3a: 109 (24/05/23)

Well done to 3a for reading so much!

Sadly, not everybody tried their best therefore we didn’t win the reward for the most reads this week. 

This term let’s try hard to read as much as we can and collect our golden tickets and house points. It would be amazing if we could be the top readers in school on a Friday!  I know you could do it but we need everybody to do their part. We would be so proud of you. 

Lets get reading!


Our Library time is Tuesday afternoon so that is the day, the Library books need to come in. Could you please make sure they do come back when finished, we had a few issues with lost library books. 

Reading Diaries need to be in every day but they are checked for home reading on Wednesdays.

Spelling books  need to come in on Thursdays and they go home on Fridays.

Friday we have our spelling test and the children will be trained to add in their new spellings each week. If you have lost your spelling book please let us know so we can get a replacement. If your child does not bring spellings home check on the spelling part of the class page or seesaw to practice.

 Remember Mrs Cairns and Mrs Boseley will teach you on Tuesday morning when you have French and Art.

 Our teaching assistant, all week, is Mrs Boseley. 

Indoor PE will be on Wednesdays and Outdoor PE will be on Thursdays.  Please remember to wear the correct P.E kit on these days (a school uniform list can be found on parent mail).

Your homework this year will continue as last half term.

You will be expected to read as often as possible but at least four times per week.

Your times tables will also need to be practised on TT Rock Stars. Here is the website link in case you’ve forgotten how to access it. 


In class we use Seesaw to complete some tasks, especially in computing lessons. If you want to add to this work at home you can but it is not expected to be completed at home.

It is always welcome to share your extra curricular learning on See-saw.

There are many exciting trips and events happening this term. Please check Parent mail for the most up to date information about these.

Let’s have an amazing summer term!


Mrs Flynn and Mrs Boseley
