Wavendon Gate School

Trips and visits offer learners opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in ways that add value to their everyday experiences in the classroom. At Wavendon Gate School we strive to provide every pupil with either an offsite visit or visiting expert experience, linked to their learning, at least once in a term. Please see details of our experiences from 2023-2024 to give you a flavour of the exciting opportunities available at Wavendon Gate School. 

Please note: These visits are subject to change dependent on availability and local restrictions.

Year groupVisit or visitorLinks to the curriculum
FoundationMead Open Farm
PCSO visit
Librarian visit
Understanding the World, reading
Year 1Local area walk
Wavendon Church visit
Whipsnade Zoo
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk
English, geography, road safety, PSHE, science, music
Year 2Bletchley Park
Sealife Centre
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk and Wizard of Oz
English, local History, science, music, maths
Year 3Oxford Natural History and Pitts River Museums
MK Mosque
MK Theatre visit
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk and Wizard of Oz
English, science, history, Religious Education, Music
Year 4St Albans Cathedral visit
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk and Wizard of Oz
English, history, computing, music, maths, design and technology
Year 5The Science Museum, London
Windsor Castle
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk and Wizard of Oz
English, music, science, history. maths, design and technology
Year 6Harry Potter Studios
Willersley Castle Residential
M & M Productions –
Jack and the beanstalk and Wizard of Oz
English, history, music, design and technology, physical education