Wavendon Gate School

Friday 28th April

Well done to Edward who was chosen as this weeks Science subject star. Edwards was chosen because he is naturally very curious and often asks lots of questions about why and how things happen. Edward loves to visit museums with his family and often comes back to class and tells us all about it. He recently visited the Natural Hisory Musuem and was very eager to tell us all about the dinosaur bones that he saw there. Well done Edward

Friday 21st April

Well done to Skyla- Rose who was chosen as this weeks Music subject star. Skyla-Rose was chosen because she loves to sing and make music in the setting. She always joins in confidently in all parts of music lessons. Well done Skyla-Rose

Friday 27th March

Well done to Ella who was chosen as this weeks Art subject star. Ella was chosen because she loves to create things at the art table. She loves to combine different materials to make new images or sculptures. Ella could use black and white paint to make the bears coat darker or lighter. Well done Ella

Friday 3rd March 

Well done to Arthur who was chosen as this weeks History Subject Star. Arthur was chosen because he is very good at recalling the different things he has done with his family in the past and is always very interested to learn about others. He enjoyed learning about the seaside holidays in the past. Arthur listened carefully and asked lots of questions. Well done Arthur

Friday 24th February

Well done to Lucy who was chosen as this weeks Reading Subject Star. Lucy was chosen because she is a keen reader and always completes her reading diary.  Well done Lucy

Friday 10th February

Well done to Edward who was chosen as this weeks Computer and technology Subject Star. Edward was chosen because he can confidently navigate around a programme on the smart board. He can select, pause and rewind things. Well done Edward

Friday 3rd February

Well done to Connor who was chosen as this weeks Physical Education Subject Star. Connor was chosen because he always listen carefully to the instructions and then tries hard to put them in place when he is using the apparatus. Connor can confidently travel, over, under and along apparatus. Well done Connor

Friday 20th January

Well done to Jade who was chosen as this weeks Religious Education Subject Star. Jade was chosen because she was able to explain why we celebrate Christmas and could recall lots of facts about the nativity.  Well done Jade

Friday 13th January 

Well done to Ezra who was chosen as this weeks Design Technology Subject Star. He was chosen because he is  very good at manipulating different construction sets to make amazing models. Ezra also always has great ideas on how he could improve his models in the future. Well done Ezra

Friday 16th December 

Well done to Boris who was chosen as this weeks Modern Foreign Language Subject Star. He was chosen because he has been teaching us how to count to 5 in Polish. Well done Boris.  

Friday 9th December 

Well done to Raina who was chosen as this weeks Geography Subject Star. She was chosen because whilst looking at where in the world people celebrate Christmas, Raina could find the UK on the map. She also commented on how the weather in Finland is very cold but the weather in where the football World cup is happening is hot.

Friday 2nd December

Well done to Ava-Rose who was chosen as this weeks Writing Subject Star. She was chosen for starting to write in sentences and for working hard to sound out the words that she wants to write. 

Friday 11th November

Well done to Shiya was chosen to be this week’s PHSE subject star learner. Shiya is always incredibly polite. She is kind, thoughtful and always willing to help in anyway that she can. Well done Shiya

Friday 4th November

Well done to Toby who was this weeks History Subject star. He was chosen because he can consistently recall past events from his own life. Well done Toby 
