Year 1 How am I making history? How have toys changed? How have explorers changed the world? Year 2 How was school different in the past? How did we learn to fly? What is a monarch? Year 3 Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age? Why did the Romans settle in Britain? What did the Ancient Egyptians believe? Year 4 How have children’s lives changed? How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain? How did the achievements of the Ancient Maya impact their society and beyond? Year 5 What was life like in Tudor England? What did the Greeks ever do for us? How did the Maya civilisation compare to the Anglo-Saxons? Year 6 What does the census tell us about our local area? What was the impact of World War II on the people of Britain? Who should feature on a £10.00 banknote?