Wavendon Gate School

At Wavendon Gate School, our Religious Education curriculum aims to develop deep thinkers who are open-minded about religion and worldviews. It is relevant to pupils, reflecting and preparing them for life in modern Britain. 

Through the carefully sequenced curriculum, pupils will secure a deep understanding of concepts in order to be able to make connections, ask and respond to challenging questions, learn to respect and appreciate worldviews that are different to their own and consider their personal preconceptions, responses and views. Pupils will build their conceptual knowledge through studying religions and worldviews locally, nationally and globally in our progressive curriculum, enabling them to make links and connections between worldviews, develop disciplinary skills and build on their understanding of their positionality in relation to their learning . 

By revisiting key ‘big questions’ and building on prior knowledge, pupils will learn about how religion and worldviews are lived experiences across the world, consider the impact of worldviews on society and have opportunities to consider their personal worldviews. 

Our curriculum enables pupils to meet the government guidance, which states that RE must reflect that ‘the religious traditions in Great Britain are, in the main, Christian while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain’. 

Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to fulfill the aims of the Milton Keynes Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. 

In the Milton Keynes Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2017, pupils are encouraged to make strong links between and within religions by:

RE is taught so that pupils not only have a secure grasp of these three areas and the links between them, but also to ensure that pupils have opportunity to make their own responses and reflections to the learning that comes from a study of each of these key strands of religious practice.

Click on the document below to see our RE curriculum in detail.
